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Who I Am at 50 ~ #LeahKirrane

Writer: #LeahKirrane#LeahKirrane

In less than two weeks I will step into the other side of the century.

A place where I finally feel fit to embrace my essence,

And shamelessly share who I Am.

My dues have been paid, a worthy investment.

No complaints, no regrets, no demands.

Only Gratitude for the All that has made me who I Am.

Now, I can say with Authority:

I Am an elder.

I Am a soother of souls and a mover of minds.

I Am an expression of the Divine.

I Am a channel of Earth, Angels and God.

I Am a vessel of Peace, Light and Love.

I Am a seeker, in search of my Source, while I course within its being.

I Am a poet, a prophet, a priestess, a mystic, a sage and a queen.

I Am an artist and healer in one, I heal with my words, my voice and my song.

I heal with the energy flowing within,

The Fire, the Earth, the Water, the Wind.

I Am a bridge between Heaven and Earth

I Am here to give birth to new Life.

I Am here to help open the ears, mouths and eyes

of the deaf and the dumb and the blind,

To speak Truth to the lies and life to the dehumanized.

I Am here to speak freedom to the oppressed.

I Am blessed to be free, and I give myself freely

That others may hear and that others may see

and receive and believe in their own Sovereignty.

I Am.

~ Leah Kirrane


In other news: I've got two new songs to be released really soon. One is "Go With the Flow," an easygoing, feel-good sing-alonger. The other is "Water," an upbeat, gospely tune, which will be offered as fundraising tool for God's Will Children Foundation in Uganda to help fund a sustainable water project for their village. They currently have no clean or stable water resources.

Stay tuned.


Thanks for reading #LeahKirrane! Why that name? I know, it sounds vain. But, I figure, mine is the only story I truly know how to tell. Plus, it has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

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